Mars Hill History
Mars Hill, North Carolina is anchored by the historic Mars Hill University. Once a college, the Mars Hill University continues to thrive today and is a vital part of the Mars Hill community. Take a look at some of the interesting articles about the history of Mars Hill below.
Mars Hill History

Mars Hill College
In the mid 1800s, there was a town in the area known as Pleasant Hill. The four families living here wanted their children educated and instructed in the Baptist faith. And so Mars Hill College was founded. The name was changed to Mars Hill College, inspired by Acts 17:22 of the Bible which relates that while in Athens, Paul was invited by philosophers to speak to them at the forum. “Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill and said, ‘Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.” Find out more

Mars Hill Markers
Conveniently located on the campus of Mars Hill University and near the Post Office, tourists will find these markers easy to locate and fascinating. Finding these Historical Markers and admiring their importance is a great way to explore the town of Mars Hill and the rich heritage that is cherished still today. Find out more
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Festivals in Madison County
Plan your visit around one of the annual festivals in Madison County. Take a peak at our calendar to see what you won’t want to miss! Find out more